Spike Tassel
JoinedTopics Started by Spike Tassel
What Is Involved In a PROPER Letter for Reinstatement as a JW?
by Spike Tassel inand how do you prove it?.
Besty Unplugged - My Life Story Part VI
by besty in<< part v. .
part vi the great apostasy sets in.
if you ever leave the truth or get disfellowshipped thatll be that well be finished.
My Boyfriend's not a Witness...
by Hikaru inalright, with my last post it should be obvious i'm in conflict...if it's not, then yeah.. my boyfriend is not a witness.
he understands that witnesses can't marry or date non witnesses.
but i guess could say we've been stalling...looking for a solution a gray area to that black and white situation...but with time getting as it is...stalling doesn't work anymore.
just a few questions I don't want to ask directly hell
by Janey214 inhello - first may i apologise for capital letters my keyboard has gone screwy.
for the last several months i have been having meetings with two really nice women from the jw organisation.
i don't want to offend anyone by asking these questions i am simply trying to better understand how the watchtower came about without listening to too much anti stuff.
What do you do for canker sores?
by daniel-p inbecause mine is hurting like a mofo here... it's at the back of my cheek, where my lower and upper jaw connect,and i can't close my teeth without chomping on it because its swollen out.
my lymph glands under my neck hurt to the touch, the entire side of my head down to my shoulders hurt.. i've tried peroxide mouthwash, salt mouthwash, orajel (which help for about 30 seconds), and aspirin placed on it (which helps for about ten minutes).
today, at work, i put a bunch of salt directly on it which just stung like the dickens for about 10 minutes and now i'm back to square one with the ongoing pain.
Besty Unplugged - My Life Story Part V
by besty in<< part iv.
part v 9 years, 2 shepherding calls and 2 kids.
sam and i quickly settled into happily married life.
Is there encouragement and hope for the disfellowshipped?
by Butterflyleia85 ini am 24 years old i was disfellowshipped at 21 and reinstated last year january then committed a sin and disfellowshipped again five months later.. i don't think i realized what i got into.
i tried hard to fend for myself and get back in, the pressure got to me and i fell out again.
but since i understood what it entailed i fought hard to stay in.